by Paula Pavlova

My Story

a bit about me

I am not an expert. I’m a writer + artist based in the DC area. I love to teach yoga, listen to music, and make spaces feel like a sanctuary. I studied Sociology & Studio Art as an undergrad, after which I pretty much immediately began teaching yoga full time. A couple years later, I co-founded an online subscription box service that I ran for the better part of my 20’s until I totally burned out and ended up needing to undergo several surgeries before I found any relief.

This process took nearly 3 years and one global pandemic. No joke.

While obviously unplanned, my personal health and our public health crisis rearranged my whole life. I no longer teach yoga full time, decided to shut down the business, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t grateful. I learned the hard way that no one can be well in isolation and we are meant to be connected to one another. This why I write and make art to reflect my experience of living well with a chronic illness.


I believe everyone deserves access to wellness and healing because this world is hard enough. That’s why I do what I do.

In my work, I’ve learned that wellbeing starts and ends with how we honor, respect, and love ourselves, our bodies, our space, and our community. Wellness is never an individual experience and a commitment to being well includes the desire to make the world around you better place. Try it…

Breathe + be here now.

Notice, breath changes everything.

Now, look around.  

See, possibility.

With Love,